| Excursion to Erebus - A Klooni Mapset 10 hard maps to Klooni by Codetech84 Download: KlooniErebusEp1-KFH.rar (18.9 kB) |
 | Spear Reloaded A remake of the original Spear of Destiny, standalone. DOS and Windows supported. Version 1.21 Download: SodReloaded1.21-KFH.rar (1.8 MB) |
 | Demonoid Klooni mapset Download: Demonoid.rar (20.6 kB) |
 | Klooni - Monthly Map 1 new map for Klooni each month! Download: Monthly.rar (8.9 kB) |
 | Earth Anomaly a Klooni Mapset by serpens Featuring 10 very good levels for Klooni, made by serpens. Download: anomaly.rar (24.9 kB) |
 | WolfSignon Creates palette independent signon screens for Wolf3D/SoD. Supports Wolf4SDL signon screens up to 640x400 resolution. Version: 1.4. Download: WolfSignon1.4.rar (333.3 kB) |
 | Spear of Destiny Mapset 21 New levels for SOD with some basic code changes. Download: SoD_mappack.zip (808.6 kB) |
 | Klooni - A Doom clone Klooni is a Doom to Wolf conversion that brings as much of the Doom gameplay to Wolf as possible. Doom II or Final Doom is required to play. Version: 1.5 SDL Download: KlooniSDL1.5-KFH.rar (5.3 MB) |
 | Wolfenstein Reloaded A remake of the original Wolfenstein-3D, first project of KFH Games. Requires audio files from registered version of Wolfenstein-3D. Download: wolfreloaded-finalv3.zip (1.5 MB) |
 | Brick texture tutorial Tutorial to create professional looking brick textures using only MS Paint. Download: Brick_Texture_Tutorial.zip (36 kB) |